Elegant Grace, 8 years old

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grand Rockette

My dappled dark bay mare’s elegance and refined grace astound me. She’s 33 years old. In human years she’s, well…old. A bit of arthritis has settled into her hind leg joints. She’s missing some teeth and her neck is stiff. Her left eye drips, attracting flies. She continues to live her life with complete joy, never losing her sense of purpose. Each day is a new opportunity for her to munch on tasty grass, fresh cut hay and perhaps some bits of apple. She moves her body, enjoys her friends and blissfully naps in the sun. The graceful manner in which she moves about her world enamors me and invites me to do the same. As my own body changes and sometimes challenges me, all I need to do is look out the window or step outside and touch my elegant friend. She reminds me how to be present with what exists in my body and my world. She is my greatest teacher.

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